Date: 18/10/24

To:     _______________________



Dear Sir/Madam:


  1. You are hereby invited to be a Bidder in the Tender described in this Letter and the enclosed documents.  The Gambia Public Procurement Act defines a Tender as a type of Bid and anyone submitting a Tender or other Bid is known as a Bidder. Under the Tender process, there will be a public opening of all bids received at the place and at the time stated in paragraph 7 below.
  1. To enable you to submit your Bid, please find enclosed the following documents:

a) Bid Data Sheet;

b) Qualification Document Questionnaire;

c) Technical Specifications;

d) Drawings;

e) Bill of Quantities;

f) Draft Contract;

g) Security Forms;

  1. The works to be affected shall be performed at NAWEC Serekunda Tank Revenue Office and the required time for the performance of the works is Six (6) months commencing on 2nd December 2024.

4. (a) The deadline for submission of inquiries and for requests for clarifications is 8th November 2024.

(b)  A pre-bid conference will not take place.

  1. The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the Bid and such costs will not be part of the Bid price.
  1. The Bid shall be written in English.
  1. Bids must be signed by the Bidder or a duly appointed agent and submitted in the number of originals and copies stated in Articles 7 and 8 of the Bid Data Sheet, marked as such, and sent to the Office of the Managing Director on or before 12:00PM Gambian time on 18th November 2024.
  1. Bids must be submitted in a single sealed envelope marked as follows: Tender for rehabilitation of NAWEC Serrekunda Tank Revenue Office.

(a) The Managing Director, NAWEC

(b) Rehabilitation of Nawec Serekunda Tank Revenue Office (Ref: NAWEC/NCB/SKRO/2024)

(c) “Not to be opened before the Bid Deadline”

  1. The envelope must contain two separately sealed envelopes:

a) One sealed envelope containing the Technical Specifications, the Qualification Documentation, the Drawings, and the Bid Security in the number of originals and copies stated in the Bid Data Sheet. The envelope must be clearly marked “Technical Proposal and Qualification Documentation”, indicating the name of the bidder and the project title and number.

b) One sealed envelope containing the Bill of Quantities[1] In the number of originals and copies stated in the Bid Data Sheet. The envelope must be clearly marked “Financial Proposal”, indicating the name of the bidder and the project title and number.

  1. Bids must be sent either by registered post or delivered by hand, or by any other method with proof of receipt specifying the date and time of the submission of the Bid signed by a representative of the Procuring Organisation.


  1. Envelopes that arrive after the Bid closing deadline shall be rejected.
  1. The envelopes containing the Technical Proposals and Qualification Documentation shall be opened and checked to ensure that all necessary Qualification Documentation is present during bid evaluation.
  1. Any Bid containing any discrepancy in its Qualification Documentation shall be disqualified. The envelope containing the Financial Proposal shall not be opened but shall be returned to the Bidder.
  1. The Technical Proposal shall be evaluated using the criteria stated in Article 12 of the Bid Data Sheet.
  1. The Procuring Organisation may reject all Bids at any time prior to the acceptance of a Bid. The Procuring Organisation is not bound to accept the lowest or any bid.
  1. The Bidder is bound by its Bid for a period of 90 days starting from the closing date for the submission of Bids.
  1. Any changes to a Bid during the bid validity period will result in the rejection of the Bid by the Procuring Organisation.
  1. The Bidder shall submit a Bid in full compliance with the stipulations of the Bid documents, comprising:


18.1        Technical Specifications and Drawings, consisting of:

a. A preliminary description of the proposed work method and schedule, including drawings and charts, as necessary, containing all required information by which the proposed works may be evaluated (e.g. technical characteristics, operational capacities, consumption, maintenance cost, useful life, chemical composition, environmental effect, etc) together with manuals or instructions for use or any other relevant information and documentation, delivery/installation schedules, etc.;

b. A detailed statement of how the Bidder will carry out the works that will form an integral part of the Contract. N/A

18.2        Qualification Documentation*, consisting of the following or as may be specified in the Bid Data Sheet:

18.2.1     certificates, declarations, dated less than 90 days previously and drawn up in accordance with the national law or practice of the home country of the Bidder, stating:

a. That they are not bankrupt, insolvent, in receivership, or being wound up; that their business activities have not been suspended; and that they are not the subject of legal proceedings for any of the foregoing;

b. That payments to them have not been suspended in accordance with the judgement of a court or a judgement declaring bankruptcy and resulting, in accordance with their national laws, in the total or partial loss of the right to administer and dispose of their property;

c. That legal proceedings have not been instituted against them involving an order suspending payments and which may result, in accordance with their national laws, in a declaration of bankruptcy or in any other situation entailing the total or partial loss of the right to administer and dispose of their property;

d. That they are not guilty of serious misrepresentation with regard to information required for participation in an invitation to Bid.

e. That they are not or have been in breach of contract.

f. That they have fulfilled their obligation to pay taxes and social security contributions.

g. That they possess the necessary professional, technical and organizational capacity, personnel, financial resources, machinery and other physical facilities, reputation, and reliability to perform the contract.

h. That they have performed previously the number and value of similar contracts specified in Article 14 of the Bid Data Sheet.

i. That they have the legal capacity to enter the contract.

j. That they have submitted a security in the form of a deposit or bank guarantee in the amount stated in Article 13 of the Bid Data Sheet.

18.3     Financial Proposal, consisting of:


a. The Bill of Quantities indicating the Bid prices for each class of works, specifying the unit prices (where applicable) and total Bid price of works the bidder proposes to supply under the contract.

b. Prices expressed in the currency of The Gambia, unless otherwise indicated in the Bid Data Sheet at 12.1.1.

c. All prices quoted must be firm and not subject to revision and must be VAT inclusive.

19. The name(s) and position(s) of the Responsible Person(s) of the Procuring Organisation who shall be in contact with Bidders are stated in Article 15 of the Bid Data Sheet.

20. To realize its targets, the National Water and Electricity Company Limited (NAWEC) wishes to come up with an environmentally sound, conducive, and user-friendly customer service centre that can provide an effective means to accommodate a highly motivated workforce capable of delivering the outcomes and anticipate future requirement needs of NAWEC’s Customer Service Centres, on proposed site at Serekunda Branch. This contract aims at completing the already incomplete ground floor and building the first floor on top of it to completion.

21. To assist you in the preparation of your price quotation we enclose the necessary Bill of Quantities (BOQ) which include Specifications, and Designs.

[1] Please, whenever reference to Bill of Quantities is made, see footnote 1 above

Job Vacancy – Legal Officer

Job Vacancy: Legal Officer

Position: Legal Officer
Grade: D
Location: NAWEC


Bachelor of Laws Degree (LLB)

Barrister-at-Law (BL)

Prior work experience required

Job Description:

NAWEC is seeking a skilled and experienced Legal Officer (Grade D) to join our team. The successful candidate will play a key role in ensuring that all legal aspects of our operations are properly managed and that the company’s interests are protected. The Legal Officer will be responsible for a wide range of legal duties, including reviewing contracts, advising management, and ensuring compliance with the legal framework governing the company’s operations. The role requires an individual with strong analytical skills and attention to detail, as well as the ability to handle complex legal matters.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Review all documentation with legal implications before signing and implementation.


  • Negotiate, draft, and review local and international contracts, Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs), Power Purchase Agreements, and other legal documents on behalf of NAWEC.


  • Serve on the Disciplinary Committee, ensuring the legality of proceedings, drafting disciplinary policies, and preparing hearing transcripts.


  • Analyze the legal implications of the company’s activities, ensuring compliance with the legal framework.


  • Draft conveyancing documents, including mortgages, deeds of release, further charges, and deeds of assignment.


  • Assist the Commercial Department in debt recovery by drafting and managing debt payment agreements, negotiating settlements, and preparing lists of debtors for legal action.


  • Participate in project evaluation and investment meetings to safeguard the legal interests of the company.


  • Provide legal advisory services and interpretation to management.


  • Support the company in controlling customer complaints and mitigating litigation risks.


  • Provide Board Secretarial Services for the Board’s Human Resources and Remunerations Committee.


  • Liaise with external lawyers handling court cases on behalf of the company and attend court hearings as necessary.


  • Monitor and update management on legal proceedings involving NAWEC.


  • Perform additional legal duties as assigned, including representing the company in litigation when required.

Key Skills & Competencies:

  • Strong legal knowledge and the ability to interpret and apply legal principles.


  • Excellent contract drafting and negotiation skills.


  • Ability to work under pressure and manage multiple tasks simultaneously.


  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills.


  • Analytical mindset with attention to detail.


  • Experience in providing legal advisory services to corporate management teams.

Please click on the link for the Terms of Reference (ToR)

Legal Officer ToR

Application Process: Interested candidates should submit their CV, cover letter, and relevant qualifications to recruitment@nawec.gm by 16th October 2024. Women are encouraged to apply. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for further interviews.


Procurement and Supply of Crane Truck for Transmission and Distribution Department


Date:  1st October 2024

Company Name:  National Water and Electricity Company



  1. The National Water and Electricity Company Limited (NAWEC) has budgeted funding for the Procurement and Supply of Crane Truck for Transmission and Distribution Department and intends to place a contract for the supply and delivery of these goods.
  2. The National Water and Electricity Company now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the supply of the following:


No. Description Specification QTY
1 Crane Truck As Specified 2


  1. Bidding will be conducted through the International Competitive Bidding (ICB) procedures in accordance with requirement of the Gambia Procurement Authority Act 2022.
  2. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the Bidding Documents during official hours Monday to Thursday from 8:00am to 4:00pm and Fridays 8:00am to 12:30pm at the address given below:


Managing Director
National Water and Electricity

53 Mamady Maniyang

P.O. BOX 609
Kanifing Industrial Estate

Email: naweccontractscommittee@nawec.gm; fkinteh@nawec.gm  mabah@nawec.gm;


4. A complete set of Bidding Documents in English may be purchased by interested   bidders upon submission of a written application to the above address and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of US $ 300.00 (Three Hundred United States Dollars). The method of Payment is bank transfer. The document will be sent via email upon payment and requesting the same on the written application.

5. Electronic Bidding will not be permitted, and late bids will be rejected.

6. A bid security shall be required. The amount and currency of the bid security shall be US $20,000.00 (Twenty Thousand United States Dollars), or Equivalent in GMD or any other convertible currency stated under ITB15.1

7. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 12:00hrs (local time) on Thursday 31st October 2024.


Managing Director
National Water and Electricity

53 Mamady Maniyang

P.O. BOX 609
Kanifing Industrial Estate

Banjul The Gambia


  1. Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend in person at the address above at 12:30hrs (local time) Thursday 31st October 2024.





Date: 24/09/2024                                                                                         Reference No. NAWEC/ICB/WM/2023




Dear Sir/Madam:


You are hereby invited to be a Bidder in the Tender described herein.  The Gambia Public Procurement Act defines a Tender as a type of Bid and anyone submitting a Tender or other Bid is known as a Bidder. Under the Tender process, there will be a public opening of all bids received at the place and at the time stated in paragraph 8 below.


  1. The National Water and Electricity Company Limited (NAWEC) has budgeted funding for the procurement of Static Water Meters through an International Competitive Bidding and intends to place a Contract for the supply and delivery of these goods for a period of One (1) year with the possibility of a Two (2) year extension based on satisfactory performance.


DESCRIPTION                                                                               QUANTITY

  1. DN 15mm Static Water Meter                                               2,000 pcs
  2. DN 20mm Static Water Meter                                              10,000 pcs


  1. The goods to be supplied shall be delivered CIF Banjul International Seaport as per Incoterm 2020 and the required time for the supply of the goods is Four (4) Months after signature of the contract.


3. Payment shall be made under this contract via Telegraphic Transfer as follows:


  • 50% Advance upon submission of a Bank Guaranty to be confirmed by a local bank and 50% within 30 days after receipt and acceptance of the goods by NAWEC.


4. NAWEC now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for the supply of­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ the above-mentioned Goods


5. The deadline for submission of inquiries and for requests for clarifications shall be Ten (10) days before the deadline for bid submission.


6. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the Bid documents at the Office of the Senior Procurement Manager:


53 Mamady Maniyang Highway

PO Box 609


Tel: 9962006 / 9962556             

Email: fkinteh@nawec.gm / snyang@nawec.gm 


7. A complete set of Bid documents in English language may be purchased by interested Bidders on the submission of a written application to the above and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of USD 300.00


8. Bids must be delivered to The Office of the Managing Director at the address indicated in No. 5 above on or before 12.00 PM on 31st October 2024 and must be accompanied by a bid security of USD 65,400.00 from a reputable Bank.


9. Bids will be opened in the presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at 12:30 PM on 31st October 2024 at the boardroom of NAWEC Head Office at:


     53 Mamady Maniyang Highway

     PO Box 609


Job Vacancy – Chief Operations Officer [COO] Water

NAWEC  The Gambia is recruiting a Chief Operations Officer (COO) for its Water and Sewerage Utility

NAWEC is the National Water & Electricity Company of The Gambia. Its core mission is “To ensure the provision of sustainable, safe, accessible, affordable, and reliable electricity, water, and sewerage services to satisfy customer needs, achieve financial stability, and contribute to the Socio-Economic Development of The Gambia”.

Though NAWEC  has undergone much transformation and change in recent years NAWEC still faces many challenges as it endeavours to deliver on its mission. With the continuing vital assistance of Government, Donors and Lenders  NAWEC  is determined to expand and improve its Water and Electricity infrastructure and develop its systems and people  to meet its principle objective of a radical expansion in customer access across the country.

To progress NAWEC’s  Mission and drive the Transformation NAWEC seeks to recruit a Chief Operations Officer for Water & Sewerage.

The Role

The COO Water and Sewerage will be  responsible for the provision of  affordable, accessible and quality water and sewage services to the people and businesses of The Gambia.

The Person

Must have:

  • A  recognized Professional 3rd Level Qualification. A Masters qualification especially in business or economics would be an advantage.
  • 10 years post-graduation Water industry experience with at least 5 years in a Senior Position in a company of similar scale  and complexity to NAWEC .
  • Familiarity with World Bank Utility of the Future toolkit would be highly advantageous.

For More Information and a detailed job description click on this link.

Job Description COO Water July 2024

The Rewards

NAWEC has restructured its rewards package and can offer an attractive deal  of Salary and Allowances for the right person. NAWEC can also offer a generous re-settlement package to applicants interested in returning home.

How to Apply

Please send an e-mail to recruitment@nawec.gm expressing your interest along with a brief resume. Your resume should be no more than 2X A4 pages and should include basic information including Name, Address, Date of Birth, Education and Qualifications along with a brief listing of your employment  to date.

Closing date for receipt of applications is 19th August 2024.


Job Vacancy – Senior Procurement Manager

NAWEC Building the future:After years of underinvestment NAWEC has commenced upon a major programme of transformation and change designed to modernise its infrastructure and re-engineer its systems, procedures and organisation. With the support of Government, Donors and Lenders major investments are happening in Transmission and Distribution networks, Generating plant, Water Infrastructure and Operating systems. NAWEC’s Group Mission is:” To ensure the safe, efficient and effective and environmentally friendly provision of affordable nationwide electricity, water and sewage services to satisfy customer requirements, achieve a financially sound position and contribute to the socio-economic development of The Gambia.

To progress our Mission and drive the Transformation NAWEC needs to recruit a Senior Procurement Manager.

The RoleNAWEC has one of the biggest Materials and Procurement portfolios in the Gambia and we wish to recruit the right person to take on the challenging task of managing the provision of Procurement and Materials Management services for all NAWEC.

This will include :-

  • Implementation of   procurement best practices across Nawec by development of procurement strategies, procurement planning , tendering, negotiation and supplier management processes.
  • Drive  supplier performance by designing, implementing and embedding supplier relationship and contract management processes.
  • Ensure that strategic material planning processes are in place to enable Nawec to function efficiently and effectively.
  • Work  closely with internal and external parties to ensure supply of materials is in place to satisfy Nawecs  requirements.
  • Put in place suitable Procurement and Materials management structures staffed by competent and well-motivated staff.
  • Lead the development of and Procurement management systems.

The Person

Will have a Third level qualification ideally to Masters level  and or Chartered  Membership of SIP [Chartered Institute of Purchase and Supply] along with a minimum of ten years’ experience in Materials Management or Procurement Management or Logistics management in a business of significant  scale.

Click on the link below for more information.

Senior Group Manager Procurement

The RewardsNAWEC has restructured its rewards package and can offer an attractive deal of Salary and Allowances for the right person. NAWEC can also offer a generous re-settlement package to applicants interested in returning home.
How to ApplyPlease send an e-mail recruitment@nawec.gm expressing your interest and indicating the position you are interested in along with a brief resume. Your resume should be no more than 2X A4 pages and should include basic information including Name, Address, Date of Birth, Education and Qualifications along with a brief listing of your employment  to date. Closing date for submission of applications is 1st August 2024.

Job Vacancy – Group Corporate Services Director

NAWEC, The Gambia is recruiting a Group Corporate Services Director

NAWEC is the National Water &Electricity Company of the Gambia. Its core mission is “To ensure the provision of sustainable, safe, accessible, affordable, and reliable eelectricity, water, and sewerage services to satisfy customer needs, achieve financial stability, and contribute to the Socio-Economic Development of the Gambia”.

Though NAWEC  has undergone much transformation and change in recent years NAWEC still faces many challenges as it endeavours to deliver on its mission. With the continuing vital assistance of Government, Donors and Lenders  NAWEC  is determined to expand and improve its Water and Electricity infrastructure and develop its systems and people  to meet its principle objective of a radical expansion in customer access across the country.

To progress NAWEC’s  Mission and drive the Transformation NAWEC seeks to recruit a Group Corporate Services Director.

The Role

The Group Corporate Services Director will be responsible for delivery of critical shared services across NAWEC including, IT, Transport, Property, PR & Communications ,Health  & Safety, Security  and Environment and Legal Services.

The Person

Must have a recognized Professional 3rd Level Qualification. A master’s qualification especially in business or economics would be an advantage. 10 years post-graduation working experience with at least  5 years in a Senior Position in a company of similar scale  and complexity to NAWEC would also be highly advantageous.


The Rewards

NAWEC has restructured its rewards package and can offer an attractive deal  of Salary and Allowances for the right person. NAWEC can also offer a generous re-settlement package to applicants interested in returning home.

How to Apply

Please send an e-mail  to recruitment@nawec.gm  expressing your interest along with a brief resume. Your resume should be no more than 2X A4 pages and should include basic information including Name, Address, Date of Birth, Education and Qualifications along with a brief listing of your employment to date. Closing date for receipt of applications is 1st August 2024.

Request for Expressions of Interest Water Supply and Wastewater Master Plan of the Greater Banjul Area and provincial areas

Request for Expressions of Interest

Water Supply and Wastewater Master Plan for Greater Banjul Area and Provincial Areas

We are excited to share the latest developments in our efforts to enhance water supply and wastewater management for the Greater Banjul Area and provincial regions. This project, funded by Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and managed by the National Water and Electricity Company of Gambia (NAWEC), aims to create a sustainable and efficient system to meet the current and future needs of our communities.

Project Overview

The project will develop a comprehensive master plan focusing on both water supply and wastewater management. It involves assessing the current situation, projecting future needs, and planning necessary infrastructure improvements.

Water Supply Component

  • Assessment: Collect and analyze data on existing water supply infrastructure.
  • Future Needs: Conduct a demographic study to project future potable water needs.
  • Resources: Identify potential new water resources to meet future demands.
  • Scenario Development: Update the water supply model and develop future scenarios considering technical, financial, and socio-environmental aspects.
  • Master Plan: Create a detailed master plan with a GIS layout of planned infrastructure.
  • Cost Recovery: Propose cost recovery scenarios for necessary investments and operational costs.

Wastewater Component

  • Assessment: Evaluate the current wastewater management system.
  • Future Needs: Estimate future wastewater production based on water consumption.
  • Scenario Development: Develop future scenarios for wastewater management, integrating centralized and decentralized solutions.
  • Master Plan: Create a comprehensive wastewater master plan with a GIS layout of planned infrastructure.
  • Cost Recovery: Propose cost recovery scenarios for necessary investments and operational costs.

Project Duration

The project is estimated to be completed within 12 months.

Invitation for Participation

NAWEC invites consulting firms, NGOs, and individual consultants to express their interest in participating in this project. The deadline for submission is 09th July 2024.

For more detailed information, download the full document here.

Stay Updated

Stay tuned for more updates as we work towards a sustainable future for water and sanitation in our communities. Your support and participation are crucial to our success!


Invitation for Bids – Construction of Regional Customer Service Centres

Invitation for Bids [IFB] Small Works (One-Envelope Bidding Process)


IFB Number:            

Employer:                   National Water & Electricity Company Limited

Project:                       Gambia Electricity System Rehabilitation and Expansion Project

Contract title:             Construction of Regional Customer Service Centres

Country:                      The Gambia

Loan No. / Grant No.:

Procurement Method:        Open Competitive Bidding (National) (OCBI)

OCBI/LCB No:                      NAWEC-GESREP-CW-01

Issued on:                            29th April 2024

  1. Proposed Gambia Electricity System Rehabilitation and Expansion Project (GESREP) is to be funded by the African Development Bank (AfDB) to contribute to the Government of The Gambia’s (GoTG’s) goal of increasing electricity access through the provision of reliable electricity and strengthening of the institutional systems of the National Water and Electricity Company (NAWEC).
  1. The proposed enhancement of NAWEC’s Customer Service Department through an increase in the number of customer service centres and provision of improved data management infrastructure aims to reduce the commercial losses that continue to affect NAWEC’s performance.
  1. The regional centre will be a befitting contact centre affirming the company’s commitment to be a customer focus and to provide a much-needed face-lift for NAWEC peers in the same industry in the subregion. This will also enable NAWEC to respond sufficiently to the expectations, perceptions, and situations of our invaluable customers.

National Water & Electricity Company Limited now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for the Construction of Regional Customer Service Centres in Jarra LRR, Basse URR, Brusubi and Brikama WCR.

  1. Bidding will be conducted through the Open Competitive Bidding (International), OCBI procedures as specified in the Bank’s Procurement Framework dated October 2015, and is open to all eligible Bidders as defined in the Procurement Framework.
  1. Scope of work includes.
  • LOT 1: Construction of Regional Customer Service Centre with Store at Jarra Soma (LLR), and Basse (URR)
  • Lot 2: Construction of Regional Customer Service Centre with Store at Brikama (WCR), Brusubi (WCR) and Bwiam (LLR)
  1. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from the National Water & Electricity Company Project Implementation Unit and inspect the bidding document during office hours 08: 00 am to 16:000 pm at the address given below.
  1. The bidding document in English may be purchased by interested eligible Bidders upon the submission of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of $300. The method of payment will be direct deposit to the project account. The document will be sent by email.
  1. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before June 13th 2024. Electronic Bidding will not be permitted. Late Bids will be rejected. Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the Bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend at the address below.
  1. All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid security amount of:

Lot 1 USD15,000.00.

Lot 2 USD15,000.00.


  1. Attention is drawn to the Procurement Regulations requiring the Borrower to disclose information on the successful bidder’s beneficial ownership, as part of the Contract Award.

Notice, using the Beneficial Ownership Disclosure Form as included in the bidding document.


  1. The address(es) referred to above is (are)


Project Coordinator

Project Implementation Unit

National Water and Electricity Company Limited (NAWEC)

Emporium III Building, Fajara

Banjul, The Gambia

Conference Room, 1st Floor

Telephone: +220 996 1301 /7009342

Email : hnjie@nawec.gm , asallah@nawec.gm and mfsanyang@nawec.gm

Invitation for Bids – Water Supply project in the Greater Banjul Area (WASIB)

Invitation for Bids


Date : 23rd April 2024

Project Name: Water Supply project in the Greater Banjul Area (WASIB)


  1. The National Water and Electricity Company (NAWEC) has received funds from Agence Française de Développement (“AFD“) towards the cost of the Water Supply Project in the Greater Banjul Area (WASIB). It is intended that part of the proceeds of these funds will be applied to eligible payments under the contract for Borehole drilling works for the Water Supply Project in the Greater Banjul Area (WASIB).
  2. The National Water and Electricity Company (NAWEC) now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for the construction and completion of Borehole drilling works for the Water Supply Project in the Greater Banjul Area (WASIB) (“the Works“).
  3. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the Bidding Documents at the office of Managing Director National Water and Electricity Company Ltd (address below) from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm.

53 Mamadi Maniyang Highway

PO BOX 609,

Kanifing, Banjul

The Gambia

Telephone: 00220 -9965712 Email: osanneh@nawec.gm

                        00220 -3443037 Email: snyang@nawec.gm

  1. A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders on the submission of a written application to the above and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of 500 Euros or equivalent in Dalasi
  2. The method of payment will be in cash or banker’s cheque payable to.

Name: National Water and Electricity Company Ltd (NAWEC).

Account No : 6240031541

Bank Name : Ecobank (Gambia Ltd.)

Address : 42 Kairaba Avenue, Serrekunda- The Gambia.


Intermediary Bank.




IBAN NO: DE51500202000000650689


  1. The provisions in the Instructions to Bidders and in the General Conditions of Contract are the provisions of AFD’s Standard Bidding Documents: Procurement of Works.
  2. Bids must be delivered to the above office on or before 12:00 pm on the 24th of June 2024 and must be accompanied by the Bid security of  60,000 or equivalent in Dalasi
  3. Bids will be opened in the presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at 1:00 pm on the 24th of June 2024 at the offices of :

Managing Director National Water and Electricity Company Ltd, PO BOX 609, 53 Mamadi Maniyang Highway kanifing, Banjul The Gambia

  1. Qualification criteria are as follows: See criteria within the Tender document