Specific Procurement Notice – Design, Supply, and Installation of 33/11KV Substations and 11/0.415KV Package Substations within the GBA

Specific Procurement Notice

Invitation for Bids

Design, Supply, and Installation

(Without Prequalification)




Employer: National Water and Electricity Company Limited

Project: Gambia Electricity System Reinforcement and Expansion Project (GESREP)

Contract title: Design, Supply, and Installation of 33/11KV Substations and 11/0.415KV Package Substations within the GBA

Country: The Gambia

Loan No. /Credit No. / Grant No.: 5900155018402

Procurement Method: Open Competitive Bidding (International) (OCBI)


Issued on:  22nd March 2024


  1. The government of The Gambia has received financing from the African Development Bank (AfDB) hereinafter called the Bank toward the cost of the Gambia Electricity System Reinforcement and Expansion Project (GESREP), and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the Contract for 33/11KV Substations and 11/0.415KV Package Substations within the GBA. For this contract, the Borrower shall process the payments using the Direct Payment disbursement method, as defined in the Bank’s Disbursement Guidelines and procedures for Investment Project Financing.
  2. The National Water and Electricity Company Limited now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for:

One Lot – Design, supply, and installation of 33/11KV Substations and

– 11/0.415KV Package Substations within the GBA.

  1. Bidding will be conducted through the Open Competitive Bidding (International), OCBI procedures as specified in the Bank’s Procurement Framework dated October, 2015], IFB and is open to all eligible Bidders as defined in the Procurement Framework.
  2. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from National Water and Electricity Company Limited, Project Implementation Unit and inspect the bidding document during office hours 08:00 a.m to 16:00 p.m. at the address given below:
  3. The bidding document in English language may be purchased by interested eligible Bidders upon the submission of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of US$300. The method of payment will be direct deposit to the Project account. The document will be sent by email.
  4. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 15th May 2024. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late Bids will be rejected. Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the Bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend at the address below.
  5. All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security of US$135,000.00.
  6. Attention is drawn to the Procurement Framework requiring the Borrower to disclose information on the successful bidder’s beneficial ownership, as part of the Contract Award Notice, using the Beneficial Ownership Disclosure Form as included in the bidding document.
  7. The address(es) referred to above is (are):


Project Coordinator

Project Implementation Unit

National Water and Electricity Company Limited (NAWEC)

Emporium III Building, Fajara

Banjul, The Gambia

Conference Room, 1st Floor.

Telephone: +220 3664125/3182113/7009342

Email: hnjie@nawec.gm and mfsanyang@nawec.gm, asallah@nawec.gm

INVITATION TO BID – Construction of Perimeter Fences and Building Rehabilitation



Date: 15th January 2024                                                                                Reference No.: NAWEC/WD/NCB/004/2024

Project Name: Construction of Perimeter Fences and Building Rehabilitation.


Dear Sir/Madam:


You are hereby invited to be a Bidder in the Tender described in the following documents.  The Gambia Public Procurement Act defines a Tender as a type of Bid and anyone submitting a Tender or other Bid is known as a Bidder. Under the Tender process, there will be a public opening of all bids received as stated in 9 below.


  1. The National Water and Electricity Company has budgeted funds for the Construction of Perimeter Fences and Building Rehabilitation. It is intended that part of these funds will be applied to eligible payments under the Construction of Perimeter Fences and Building Rehabilitation.
  2. The National Water and Electricity Company now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for the Construction of Perimeter Fences and Building Rehabilitation. The Project shall have the following components:
  • Fencing of Water Supply Facilities and
  • Building renovations

Lot 1:

Item Site Description of works Required
1. Basse BH2
  • Demolition of dwarf fence and construct new as per typical details.
  • Rehabilitation of control room inclusive of painting etc
2. Basse Tank Site
  • Demolition of dwarf fence and construct new as per typical details
3. Mansakonko BH1
  • Demolition of dwarf fence and construct new as per typical details.
  • Rehabilitation of control and Chlorine room – to include lightning, painting etc.
4. Mansakonko BH2
  • Demolition of dwarf fence and construct new as per typical details.
5. Kaur
  • Demolition of dwarf fence and construct new as per typical details.



Lot 2:

Item Site Description of works Required
1. Brikama Kembujeh
  • Construction of new fence as per typical details.
2. Kotu Wastewater Treatment Plant
  • Construction of new fence as per typical details



  1. The works to be effected shall be performed at various sites in the GBA and Provincial Areas and the required time for the performance of the works is Three (3) months.


  1. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding procedure in accordance with the requirement of the GPPA 2022.


  1. The deadline for submission of inquiries and for requests for clarifications is Friday 12th April 2024.
  2. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the bidding document during official working hours Monday to Thursday from 8:00am to 4:00pm and Fridays 8:00am to 12:30pm at the address given below:


Senior Procurement Manager
National Water and Electricity

53 Mamady Maniyang

P.O.BOX 609
Kanifing Industrial Estate

Email: ksambou@nawec.gm , snyang@nawec.gm, contractscommitee@nawec.gm.



  1. A complete set of Bid documents in English language may be purchased by interested Bidders on the submission of a written application to the above and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of D5,000.00 (Five Thousand Dalasis only).


  1. The provisions in the Instructions to Bidders and the General Conditions of Contract are the provisions of the Bid and Contract Documents for the Procurement of Complex Works of the Government of The Gambia.


  1. Bids must be delivered to the address indicated under Section 5 above on or before 12:00 Hours Banjul Time prompt on Wednesday 24th April 2024 and must be accompanied by a Bid Security as follows and it shall be valid for 120 days:
Lot 1 D54,000.00 (Fifty-four thousand Dalasis).
Lot 2 D70,000.00 (Seventy thousand Dalasis).
Both Lots D124,000.00 (One hundred and twenty-four thousand Dalasis).



  1. Bids will be opened in the presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address indicated under Section 5 above at 12:30pm on 24th April 2024.

INVITATION TO BID (TENDER) – Water Network Improvement


Reference No: NAWEC/WD/NCB/003/2024

Project Name: Water Network Improvement.

Dear Sir/Madam:

You are hereby invited to be a Bidder in the Tender described in the following documents.  The Gambia Public Procurement Act defines a Tender as a type of Bid and anyone submitting a Tender or other Bid is known as a Bidder. Under the Tender process, there will be a public opening of all bids received as stated in 9 below.

  1. The National Water and Electricity Company has budgeted funds for the WATER NETWORK IMPROVEMENT. It is intended that part of these funds will be applied to eligible payments under the contract design and construction of the water main replacement and water distribution system improvement.
  1. The National Water and Electricity Company now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for the Water Network Improvement.


Water Supply – Lot 1

  • 1.1  C4 to Jambur Mosque Intersection Raw Water Transmission Line Replacement – The works for the C4 Borehole to Jambur Mosque Intersection Transmission Line includes:

a. supply of all labour, plant, tools and materials for the construction of works                                                  for the replacement of approximately 2.4Km of DN 250mm UPVC water                                                        transmission main from C4 Borehole to Jambur Mosque. The new main must be                                          constructed with PE100 OD 280mm HDPE pipe. The pressure rating of the pipe must not                            be less than PN12.5

b. Tie -in the new works into existing.

  • 1.2    Mandinari/ Daranka – The works within the Mandinari/Daranka area includes:

a. The supply of all labour, plant, tools and materials for the installation of new mains                                    (DN150mm, DN100mm and DN80mm) and tie in of new mains and the associated fittings                           to include isolating valves, air valves, thrust blocks to existing mains. The extent of works                             is detailed below.

b. Transferring of existing service connections to new mains.

Item Location Pipe Size (mm) – DN Length (m)
1 Mandinari/Daranka 150 1900
2 Mandinari/Daranka 100 6000
3 Mandinari/Daranka 80 300
Total 8200

Water Supply – Lot 2

2.1 Abuko New Borehole Transmission Main

  • Design and Installation of transmission Main from New Borehole (Borehole to be drilled by others) and connect to existing distribution network.
  • The supply of all labour, plant, tools and materials for the installation of new distribution mains (DN150mm, DN100mm and DN80mm) and tie in of new mains and the associated fittings to include isolating valves, air valves, thrust blocks to existing mains. The extent of works is detailed below.
  • Transferring of existing service connections to new distribution mains.
Item Location Pipe Size (mm) – Length (m)
1 Abuko OD 225 400
2 Abuko DN 150 2900
3 Abuko DN100 3950
DN80 650
Total 7900

3. The required time for the performance of the works is 160 calendar days.

4. The deadline for submission of inquiries and for requests for clarifications is two weeks before the              close  of Bids. A pre-bid conference will take place at the NAWEC Board Room, 53 Maniyang Highway NAWEC Board room Thursday 4th April 2024 at 10:00am.


5.  Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from NAWEC during official hours Monday to Thursday from 8:00am to 4:00pm and Fridays 8:00am to 12:30pm at the address given below:

Managing Director
National Water and Electricity

53 Mamady Maniyang

P.O. BOX 609
Kanifing Industrial Estate

The name(s) and position(s) of the Responsible Person(s) of the Procuring Organisation are:

Sainabou Nyang- Procurement Manager-snyang@nawec.gm-3443037

Kainding Sambou- Senior Procurement Manager-ksambou@nawec.gm-9957957

6. A complete set of Bid documents in English language may be purchased by interested Bidders on the submission of a written application to the above and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of D10,000.00.

7. Bidding will be conducted through National Competitive Bidding Procedure in                      accordance with the requirement of the Gambia Public Procurement Act 2022.

8. Bids must be delivered to the address indicated under Section 5 above before 12:00 Hours Banjul Time prompt on Tuesday 16th April 2024 and must be accompanied by a Bid Security from a reputable bank as follows:



Lot 1 D778,101.20 (Seven hundred and seventy-eight thousand, One hundred and One Dalais and twenty bututs).
Lot 2 D466,395.00 (Four hundred and sixty-six thousand, three hundred and ninety-five Dalasis).
Both Lots D1,244,496.20 (One Million, two hundred and forty-four thousand, four hundred and ninety-six Dalasis and twenty bututs).


9. Bids will be opened in the presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend in person at the address indicated under Section 5 above at 12:30pm on 16th April 2024.

INVITATION TO BID – Procurement and Supply of MOTORCYCLES


Date: 7th March 2024                                                                       Reference No.: NAWEC/NCB/MC/2022

Project Name: Procurement and Supply of MOTORCYCLES



Dear Sir/Madam:

You are hereby invited to be a Bidder in the Tender described herein.  The Gambia Public Procurement Act defines a Tender as a type of Bid and anyone submitting a Tender or other Bid is known as a Bidder. Under the Tender process, there will be a public opening of all bids received at the place and at the time stated in paragraph 8 below.

  1. NAWEC has budgeted funding for the procurement and Supply of Motorcycles through National Competitive Bidding and intends to place a Medium-Term Contract for the supply and delivery of these goods to support the operations of the company.
  1. NAWEC now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the supply of the following.
Quantity Description
34 Motorcycles


  1. Bidding will be conducted through National Competitive Bidding (NCB) Procedure in accordance with requirement of the Gambia Public Procurement Authority Act of 2022.
  1. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the Bidding Document during official hours Monday to Thursday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 pm and Friday 8:00 am to 12:30 pm at the address given below:

           Office of the Senior Procurement Manager

           National Water and Electricity Company Limited

           53 Mamadi Maniyang Highway

           PO BOX 609


           Email: ksambou@nawec.gm and fkinteh@nawec.gm

           Tel: 220 9969757 and 9962006.

  1. A complete set of Bidding Documents in English may be purchased by interested bidders upon submission of a written application to the above address and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of GMD 5,000 (Five thousand Dalasi only). The method of payment is Bank deposit. The document will be given in printed format and or via email upon payment and requesting the said document on written application.
  1. The deadline for submission of inquiries and requests for clarifications is Ten (10) days before the deadline for bid submission. A pre-bid conference will not take place.


  1. Electronic Bidding will not be permitted, and late bids will be rejected.
  1. A bid Security shall be required. The amount and currency of the bid security (Bank Guarantee) is GMD 265,200.00
  1. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 11:00 hrs Local time on 5th April 2024.

           Office of the Managing Director

           National Water and Electricity Company Limited

           53 Mamadi Maniyang Highway

           PO BOX 609


  1. Bids will be opened in the presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend in person at the address above at 11:30 hrs (Local time) on 5th April 2024.

Procurement of Materials for the Maintenance of the Transmission & Distribution Network

Procurement of Materials for the Maintenance of the Transmission & Distribution Network

Date:  3rd March 2024

Company Name:  National Water and Electricity Company

Contract Title: Procurement of Materials for the Maintenance of the Transmission & Distribution Network


  1. The National Water and Electricity Company Limited (NAWEC) has budgeted funding for the procurement of Materials for the Maintenance of the Transmission & Distribution network and intends to place a contract for the supply and delivery of these goods.
  1. The National Water and Electricity Company now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the supply of the following:
1.Cables & Conductors As per Schedule of Requirement 15-20 Weeks Brikama Ballast, Brikama, WCR
2.Transformers As per Schedule of Requirement 15-20 Weeks Brikama Ballast, Brikama, WCR
3.Insulators & Surge Arrest As per Schedule of Requirement 15-20 Weeks Brikama Ballast, Brikama, WCR
4.OHL & Cable Accessories As per Schedule of Requirement 15-20 Weeks Brikama Ballast, Brikama, WCR
5. Cable & Accessories for RPD As per Schedule of Requirement 15-20 Weeks Brikama Ballast, Brikama, WCR
  1. Bidding will be conducted through the International Competitive Bidding (ICB) procedures in accordance with requirement of the Gambia Procurement Authority Act 2022.
  1. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the Bidding Documents during official hours Monday to Thursday from 8:00am to 4:00pm and Fridays 8:00am to 12:30pm at the address given below:

Managing Director
National Water and Electricity

53 Mamady maniyang

P.O. BOX 609
Kanifing Industrial Estate

Email: ksambou@nawec.gm  fkinteh@nawec.gm


  1. A complete set of Bidding Documents in English may be purchased by interested   bidders upon submission of a written application to the above address and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of US $ 300.00 (Three Hundred United States Dollars). The method of Payment is bank transfer. The document will be sent via email upon payment and requesting the same on the written application.
  1. Electronic Bidding will not be permitted, and late bids will be rejected.
  2. A bid security shall be required. The amount and currency of the bid security shall be US $20,000.00 (Twenty Thousand United States Dollars), or Equivalent in GMD or any other convertible currency stated under ITB15.1
  3. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 12:00hrs (local time) on Tuesday 9th April 2024.


Managing Director
National Water and Electricity

53 Mamady maniyang

P.O. BOX 609
Kanifing Industrial Estate

Banjul The Gambia

  1. Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend in person at the address above at 12:15hrs (local time) Tuesday 9th April 2024.

Joint Press Release – The Gambia Ushers in New Era of Renewables with Inauguration of Historic 23MW Solar Plant


Joint Press Release

Kombo South District, The Gambia – 29th February 2024

The Gambia Ushers in New Era of Renewables with Inauguration of Historic 23MW Solar Plant

  • Driving Change: A strategic project with a strong economic and social impact.
  • Pioneering Progress: A landmark achievement in the country’s transition towards a clean and sustainable energy future.
  • Clean Energy: Produces 23MW of clean solar power, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to environmental protection.
  • Energy Security: Increases energy independence and strengthens the stability and reliability of The Gambia’s power grid.
  • Economic Growth: Creates jobs, stimulates economic activity, and attracts further investment in renewable energy.
  • Sustainable Future: Paves the way for a more sustainable energy future for The Gambia, aligning with global climate goals.

On Saturday, 9th March 2024, the Government of The Gambia, through the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy and The National Water and Electricity Company (NAWEC), along with the European Investment Bank, the European Union, and the World Bank, will inaugurate the Gambia Electricity Restoration and Modernization Project (GERMP) Component 1 – a 23MW PV Solar plant in Jambur, Kombo North District, West Coast Region.

“The Jambur solar plant is a symbol of our commitment to a cleaner, brighter future for The Gambia.” declared His Excellency Adama Barrow, President of the Republic of The Gambia, who will preside over the inauguration ceremony.

This significant project made possible through the collaboration of the European Investment Bank (EIB), European Union (EU), World Bank, and NAWEC under GERMP, represents a major step forward in diversifying The Gambia’s energy mix and reducing dependence on fossil fuels.

Public Invitation:

The public is warmly invited to join this historic event and witness the inauguration of this transformational project. We look forward to celebrating this pivotal moment in The Gambia’s journey towards a sustainable future.

#JamburSolar #RenewableEnergy #NAWEC #TheGambia #EIB #Worldbank


For further information, please contact the NAWEC communications unit Tel: 3664112

GERMP Phase III Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) development process

Public Announcement

GERMP Phase III Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) development process


The Gambia Electricity Restoration and Modernization Project (GERMP) is an electricity project by the Government of The Gambia (GOTG), the International Development Association (IDA), the European Investment Bank (EIB), and the European Union (EU). It aims to increase NAWEC’s generation capacity through renewable sources and also to reinforce its transmission infrastructure in the Greater Banjul Area (GBA) as well as in the provinces.

In this regard, 30kV transmission lines with associated MV T-Offs and distribution networks will be constructed in certain parts of the provinces involving 92 communities in Central River, Upper River, North Bank, and Lower River Regions.

From 19th – 30th September 2023 an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) of the sub-project was conducted along the proposed transmission corridors. The assessment identified potential impacts leading to involuntary resettlement, with consequences on the affected persons in terms of loss of property, income, sources of income and access to natural resources that constitute their livelihoods.

The Alkalo and community members of the affected communities listed below were met during consultations, and a census/survey was conducted to identify the project-affected persons along the corridors between 16th – 29th December 2023. All those whose land(s) and fruit trees will be affected by the Project, after confirmation with their respective Alkalo of being left out of the census/survey, are requested to contact the NAWEC Project Implementation Unit (PIU) as soon as possible. The cut-off date indicated for the census is December 29th, 2023. The communities affected are listed as:


  1. CRR-S (Fuladu) Line corridors


Corridor 1:      Bansang – Njoben Karim (Via Mabali koto and Misira, (Partially Road Corridor – (Mabali kuta, Sare Pateh Jawo and Njoben Karim))


Corridor 2:      Bantanto – Manneh Kunda (Via Jibel) – Along Road Corridor


Corridor 3:   Manneh Kunda – Sare Tamanso (Via Sare Giddeh, Charen and Belal Fass, Sare Debo) (Partially Road Corridor – (Charen, Belal Fass, Sare Debo and Sare Tamanso))


Corridor 4:      Sare Tamanso –Njoben Karim (Via Sare Pateh Jawo)


Corridor 4:     Tamba Kunda – Njoren (Via Abeokuta Daru and Tandi) (Tamba Kunda – Abeokuta, Abeokuta – Daru and Daru – Tandi all are Road Corridors) – Njoren is also called Sankabari)


Corridor 5:  Tamba Kunda – Sare Duta (Duta Wally) (Via Sare Modou, Sare Yorro Golori, Sare Pateh Ebadan, Sare Kali Kandeh, Sare Dembaru, Samba Tacko, Sare Chawto, Sare Yerro Yoba, Nyameng Kunda, Libras, Kerewan Dumbokono, Sincu Chedoyel, Sare Sileri, Kali Kunda, Sambundinya, Sare Mansong, Fuladu Sukuta, Sinchang Gelajo, Bani, and Sinchang Samba Mberry (Sinchu Samba))


Corridor 6:      Santanto Bubu – Sinchu Samba Jawo (Via Santanto Mundong, Santanto Jabel, Santanto Ousman, Ndorma, Logomel, Santanto Wurumang, Cha Kunda, Jamwelly, Sinchang Faramba, Sare Soffie, Sare Jarje, Sare Samboido, Sare Yeroyel, Sare Pateh Gassama, Sare Ngallen, Sare Sawadi, Sare Ali and Sare Sabo)


Corridor 7:    Sare Ali – Sare Gai (Via Charjel)


Corridor 8     Sambuya – Sare Bojo – (Via Sare Bakary) – Along Road Corridor


  1. CRR-N (Sami) Line corridors


Corridor 1:  Fittu Fula – Kujew Mandinka – (Via Kujew Fula)

Corridor 2:  Changai Wollof – Daru Salam

Corridor 3:  Renerou Junction – Sama Kunda (Via Ranerou Woloff, Tabanani, Chamen, Tabayel and Mbafaf),) – (Partially a Road Corridor (Renerou Junction to Tabanani is a Road Corridor)


Corridor 4: Ranerou Woloff – Njalal Toro (Via Ranerou Fula)

Corridor 5: Njalal Fula Junction – Njalal Fula

Corridor 6: Sami Tenda – Madiana (Via Forry)


  1. URR-N (Sandu) corridors


Corridor 1:   Demba Wandu – Sare Ngai (Via Mamadi Ceesay)

Corridor 2:   Dasilame Secka – Jakari (Via Sare Kali, Nawdeh Tenda, Njie Kunda and Nyankui)

Corridor 3:   Nawdeh – Wellingara Sussoh (Via Sare Jallow and Sankibai)


  1. LRR Line corridors


Corridor 1:       Soma – Misira – Along road corridor

Corridor 2:       Soma – Toniataba – Along road corridor


  1. NBR Line corridors


Corridor 1:       Kerewan – Suwareh Kunda – Along Road Corridor


Claimants who feel they should be included should contact the projects Grievance Resolution Mechanism (GRM) through one of the contacts listed below, or visit the PIU Office, located at Emporium Complex, 114 Kairaba Avenue, Kanifing Municipality, to arrange a meeting with the surveyor and the Consultant. For further information, contact the Project’s Social and Environment Safeguards Specialists:

  • Mr. Nuha Colley – Environmental Safeguards Specialist on Toll-free number:1266 (using Qcell):   email: ncolley@nawec.gm


  • Mr. Ousman Mankara – Social Risk Management Specialist on Toll-free number:1226 (using Africell): email: omankara@nawec.gm


Procurement and Supply of Pumps, Motors and Electrical Controls

Date: 11th January 2024                         Reference No: NAWEC/ICB/Pumps & Motors/002/2024


Project Name: Procurement and Supply of Pumps, Motors and Electrical Controls


Dear Sir/Madam:


You are hereby invited to be a Bidder in the Tender described herein. The Gambia Public Procurement Act defines a Tender as a type of Bid and anyone submitting a Tender or other Bid is known as a Bidder. Under the Tender process, there will be a public opening of all bids received at the place and at the time stated in paragraph 8 below.


  1. NAWEC has budgeted funding for the Procurement and Supply of Pump, Motors and Electrical Controls and intends to place a Contract for the supply and delivery of these goods to support the operations of the Water and Sewage Business NAWEC intends to place a Framework Contract for the supply and delivery of these goods for a period of One (1) year with the possibility of a Two (2) year extension based on satisfactory supplier assessment.


  1. NAWEC now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the supply of Pumps, Motors and Electrical controls.


  Pumps ONLY  
1. SP 77-5 PUMP 4
2. SP 95-5 PUMP 3
  Motors ONLY  
3. 5.5KW 2
4. 7.5KW 4
5. 18.5KW 10
6. 22KW 6
  Submersible Pump and motors Complete  
7. 5.5KW 1
8. 7.5KW 1
9. 18.5KW 6
10. 22 KW 2
11. 15 KW 2
  Transfer Split Case Centrifugal Pump and Motor (Complete)  
12. 55KW 1
13. 37KW 1


14. 75KW 1
15. 90KW 1
16. 30KW 1
  Sewerage Submersible Pump and Motor Complete  
17. 7.5 KW 4
18. Chlorine Dosing Pump  
  2.2KW 6
  Electrical Controls  
19. MP 204 14


  1. Bidding will be conducted through International Competitive Bidding (ICB) Procedure in accordance with requirement of the Gambia Public Procurement Authority Act of


  1. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the Bidding Document during official hours Monday to Thursday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 pm and Friday 8:00 am to 12:30 pm at the address given below:


Office of the Senior Procurement Manager
National Water and Electricity Company Limited
53 Mamadi Maniyang Highway
PO BOX 609


  1. A complete set of Bidding Documents in English may be purchased by interested bidders upon submission of a written application to the above address and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of USD300 (Three hundred dollars). The document will be given in printed format and or via email upon payment and requesting the said document on written application.


  1. The deadline for submission of inquiries and requests for clarifications is Monday 5th February 2024.


  1. A bid Security shall be The amount and currency of the bid security USD4,000 (Four thousand dollars).
  2. Bid must be delivered to the address below on or before 12:00 pm Local time on Thursday 15th February 2024.


Office of the Managing Director
National Water and Electricity Company Limited
53 Mamadi Maniyang Highway PO BOX 609
  1. Bids will be opened in the presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend in person at the address above at 12:30 hrs (Local time) on Thursday 15th February

Procurement and Supply of Lubricating Oil for NAWEC Power Generation

Procurement and Supply of Lubricating Oil for NAWEC Power Generation

Date:  8th February 2024

Company Name:  National Water and Electricity Company (NAWEC)


Contract Title: Procurement and Supply of Lubricating Oil for NAWEC Power Generation




  1. The National Water and Electricity Company Limited (NAWEC) has budgeted funding for the procurement and supply of Lubricating Oils and intends to place a contract for the supply and delivery of these goods.
  1. The National Water and Electricity Company now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the supply of the following:


LOT # Description of Product Packaging Quantity
LOT 1 Lubricants for Four Stroke Engines
1 Aurelia TI 4040/Argina S4 40  Drums             450.00
2 Aurelia TI 4055/Argina S5 40  Drums


LOT 2 Lubricants for Two Stroke Engine
3 Talusia HR70/Alexia S4  Drums


4 Atlanta Marine D3005/Melina S30  Drums


  1. Bidding will be conducted through the International Competitive Bidding (ICB) procedures in accordance with requirement of the Gambia Procurement Authority Act 2022.
  1. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the Bidding Documents during official hours Monday to Thursday from 8:00am to 4:00pm and Fridays 8:00am to 12:30pm at the address given below:

Managing Director
National Water and Electricity

53 Mamady Maniyang

P.O. BOX 609
Kanifing Industrial Estate

Email: ksambou@nawec.gm  mabah@nawec.gm  fkinteh@nawec.gm


  1. A complete set of Bidding Documents in English may be purchased by interested   bidders upon submission of a written application to the above address and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of GMD 10,000.00 (Ten Thousand Dalasi). The method of payment is bank transfer. The document will be sent via email upon payment and requesting the same on the written application.
  1. Electronic Bidding will not be permitted, and late bids will be rejected.
  2. A bid security shall be required, the amount and currency of the bid security shall be GMD 1,500,000.00 (One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dalasi) or any other convertible currency stated under ITB15.1
  3. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 12:00hrs (local time) on Monday 11th March 2024.


Managing Director
National Water and Electricity

53 Mamady Maniyang

P.O. BOX 609
Kanifing Industrial Estate

Banjul The Gambia

9. Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend in person at the address above at 12:15hrs (local time) Monday 11th March 2024.

INVITATION TO BID – Procurement and Supply of Diesel Engine Pick-up Vehicles


Date: 12th February 2024                                                                    Reference No.: NAWEC/ICB/VEH/012/2023

Project Name: Procurement and Supply of Diesel Engine Pick-up Vehicles


Dear Sir/Madam:

You are hereby invited to be a Bidder in the Tender described herein. The Gambia Public Procurement Act defines a Tender as a type of Bid and anyone submitting a Tender or other Bid is known as a Bidder. Under the Tender process, there will be a public opening of all bids received at the place and at the time stated in paragraph 8 below.

1. NAWEC has budgeted funding for the procurement and Supply of Diesel Engine Vehicles and intends to place a Contract for the supply and delivery of these goods to support the operations of the company.

2. NAWEC now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the supply of the following.

Quantity Vehicle
21 Nineteen (19) Units of 4×4 Diesel Engine Double Cabin Pickups and Two (2) Units of 4×4 Diesel Engine Single Cabin Pick-ups

3. Bidding will be conducted through International Competitive Bidding (ICB) Procedure in accordance with requirement of the Gambia Public Procurement Authority Act of 2022.

4. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the Bidding Document during official hours Monday to Thursday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 pm and Friday 8:00 am to 12:30 pm at the address given below:

Office of the Senior Procurement Manager
National Water and Electricity Company Limited
53 Mamadi Maniyang Highway
PO BOX 609

5. A complete set of Bidding Documents in English may be purchased by interested bidders upon submission of a written application to the above address and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of USD 300.00. The method of payment is Cash deposit / Bank Transfer. The document will be given in printed format and or via email upon payment and requesting the said document on written application.

6. The deadline for submission of inquiries and requests for clarifications is Ten (10) days before the deadline for bid submission. A pre-bid conference will not take place.

7. Electronic Bidding will not be permitted, and late bids will be rejected.

8. A bid Security shall be required. The amount and currency of the bid security (Bank Guarantee) USD 38,000.00.
9. Bid must be delivered to the address below on or before 12:00 PM on 14th March 2024.

Office of the Managing Director
National Water and Electricity Company Limited
53 Mamadi Maniyang Highway
PO BOX 609

10. Bids will be opened in the presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend in person at the address above at 12:30 PM on 14th March 2024.
11. Guarantees provided by International Firms shall be confirmed by corresponding Local Banks.
12. Please note that NAWEC is not obliged to accept the lowest bid price.