Projects Implementation Unit (PIU).
National Water and Electricity Company.
53, Mamadi Maniyang Highway,
P.O. Box 609, Kanifing,
The Gambia
October 2023
Country: GAMBIA
Project: The Gambia Electricity System Rehabilitation and Expansion Project (GESREP)
Sector : POWER
Project ID No.: P-GM-FA0-004
Issue Date: 27 October 2023
Closing Date: 9 November 2023
Recipient: Republic of Gambia
Implementing Agency: National Water and Electricity Company (NAWEC)
The Government of the Gambia has received a grant from the African Development Bank for the implementation of The Gambia Electricity System Rehabilitation and Expansion Project (GESREP)
Part of the Grant is to be used for Project Implementation Management, and more specifically, for funding the services of a Senior Power Engineer (Consultant) to support project supervision and to provide hands-on training to selected technical staff of NAWEC,
This Request for Expression (REOI) is for the selection of this Consultant.
Scope of the Services
The expected Scope of the Services of the Consultant includes:
i. Review and approve all the detailed designs to be prepared by the Contractor(s);
ii. Provide engineering support to the PIU during bidding, management, and implementations;
iii. Provide inputs to specifications/employers’ requirements/ToRs for bidding documents;
iv. Provide technical support during bidding stages, bid evaluations, requests for clarifications, contract negotiations, drafting contracts, etc.;
v. Oversee project preparations, particularly in aspects related to designs, works, equipment specifications, and other technical aspects like substation protection and control system;
vi. Ensure that bidding documents, project implementations, and contracts adhere to all technical details and international standards, for the lines and substations as well;
vii. Review all technical documents; designs, specifications, and construction schedule submitted by Contractors, ensuring strict control for proper and quality implementations of the project, in relation with the owner’s engineer;
viii. Attend Factory Acceptance Tests, and inspect the quality and quantity of the equipment
ix. Supervise the implementations of all the projects to conform to the approved design;
x. Supervise commissioning conducted on all the projects and issue reports;
xi. Monitor the implementation of the projects schedules to ensure adherence with the project timeline;
xii. Review the reporting from Contractors and the invoices of contractor(s);
xiii. Monitor the implementation of the Quality Management Plan set up by contractors and safety arrangements during works (Personal protective equipment, Staff certifications to handle specific electricity-related tasks, etc.);
xiv. Collect all relevant information on the constructions, anticipate and identify problems and risks arising and recommend necessary actions to the Project Coordinator;
xv. Assess and address all proposed technical variations and report on justification or otherwise of claims;
xvi. Respond effectively to any other job assigned by the Project Coordinator;
xvii. Elaborate Annual Work Plans, annual budgets, as well as the quarterly, biannual, annual reports of the projects, and project completion reports;
xviii. Be readily available and provide technical support during Bank and/or other stakeholders’ supervision missions;
xix. Provide hands-on training to NAWEC-assigned staff specifically in the area of substation regular operations and maintenance;
xx. Lead the project closing processes.
Duration of Assignment:
This assignment is full-time and is initially for a one-year period and may be subject to renewal based on project requirements, the Consultant’s performance, and availability of funds.
Qualifications & Experience
The candidates shall meet the following qualifications requirements:
Qualifications and Skills Requirements
i. Must hold a first degree in Electrical Engineering from a recognised
ii. University. A Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering would be recognized as additional advantage ;
iii. Minimum 10 years of relevant practice experience. Strong knowledge and skills in Electric Power System Design, Planning, Operations, and network protection are necessary;
iv. Fluent in English
v. Good skills in information technology and communication tools
vi. Ability to work in a multidisciplinary team
vii. Experienced computer user, including excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office suite
General Experience
viii. Excellent writing and reporting skills
ix. Significant exposure to the electricity sector with a minimum of 10 years’ professional experience in power engineering.
Specific experience
x. Demonstrable experience in Procurement of Works, Goods and Selection of Consultants, according to Guidelines of the AfDB, World Bank or other Development agencies;
xi. Have been involved at least in two (2) large engineering projects on power grid extension/reinforcement including the construction of Medium Voltage Substations in the last five (5) years;
xii. Experience and understanding of the methodology of power system planning and analysis software, as well as rules for the interconnection of electricity networks;
xiii. Specific experience in substation design, construction, protection, control setting and coordination;
xiv. Relevant practice experience in developing countries will be considered an added advantage.
Senior Power Eng_GESREP_ToR
National Water and Electricity Company (NAWEC) of the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, in the Republic of Gambia now invites eligible Individual Consultants to indicate their interest in providing these services.
Interested individual consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services: (i) evidence of delivering on similar assignments (brochures, description of similar assignments; (ii) experience in similar conditions; (iii) availability of appropriate and relevant skills, etc.
Eligibility criteria, establishment of the short-list and the selection procedure shall be in accordance with the African Development Bank’s ““Procurement Policy and Methodology for Bank Funded Operations, October 2015”, which is available on the Bank’s website at http://www.afdb.org.
Expressions of interest including relevant supporting documents must be delivered in hard copy or submitted via email to the address below by 9th November 2023 not later than12:30 p.m. (Gambia time) and must be specifically marked: Consulting Services – Senior Power Engineer Individual Consultant: Provision of Supervisory Services and Hands-On Training, and Addressed To:
Attention: Mrs. Haddy Njie – Project Coordinator
Address: National Water & Electricity Company Limited
Project Implementation Unit
Emporium III Building, Fajara
114 Kairaba Avenue
The Gambia
Tel: +220 3664125 / 3182113/ 7009342
Electronic mail address: hnjie@nawec.gm, mfsanyang@nawec.gm